
What is the tallest and easiest to climb mountain in the world?

  The title of the tallest mountain in the world, measured from base to summit, belongs to Mauna Kea in Hawaii. However, much of its height is submerged underwater, and its summit is around 4,207 meters (13,803 feet) above sea level, making it significantly shorter than Mount Everest when measured from sea level to summit. Mount Everest, standing at 8,848.86 meters (29,031.7 feet) above sea level, is the tallest mountain above sea level. While it's the tallest, it's not the easiest to climb. Mount Everest presents significant challenges due to its extreme altitude, harsh weather conditions, and technical climbing requirements. For those looking for a relatively "easier" climb, mountains like Kilimanjaro in Tanzania or Mount Elbrus in Russia might be more approachable for beginners or those with some climbing experience. They are not as technically challenging as Everest and have routes that are more manageable for climbers with appropriate preparation and guidance. Ho

Geologically, does New Zealand ever attached to Australia, or is it part of the Oceania islands chain

  New Zealand and Australia were once part of the same landmass millions of years ago when the supercontinent Gondwana existed. During the breakup of Gondwana, which started around 180 million years ago, the landmass that included what is now Australia and New Zealand began to separate. Over time, they drifted apart due to tectonic plate movements. New Zealand is not considered part of the Australian continent but is often grouped with the islands of Oceania due to its geographical proximity. Geologically, both countries share some history due to their past connection within Gondwana, but they are separate entities today, situated on different tectonic plates

What's the difference between computer science and programming?

  Computer science and programming are related but have distinct differences: Computer Science: Focus: Computer science is a broader field that encompasses theory, algorithms, problem-solving, data structures, computation, and the study of computers and computational systems. Theory and Concepts: It delves into theoretical aspects such as algorithms, complexity analysis, artificial intelligence, machine learning, cryptography, and more. Areas of Study: Computer science covers various subfields like computer architecture, databases, software engineering, networking, cybersecurity, and theoretical computer science. Skills Emphasized: In addition to programming, computer scientists emphasize problem-solving, critical thinking, mathematical concepts, and understanding how computers work at different levels. Programming: Application of Computer Science: Programming is a practical application of computer science, where you write instructions (code) for computers to execute tasks. Implem

Who was the first person to climb the highest mountains on the 20 largest islands in the world?

  As of my last update in January 2022, there isn't a widely recognized record or documented achievement specifically detailing the first person to climb the highest mountains on the 20 largest islands in the world. The information on such specific and comprehensive achievements, particularly on a global scale involving numerous islands, can be challenging to verify and maintain due to various factors like accessibility, documentation, and individual record-keeping. Individuals who pursue mountain climbing or summiting achievements often set personal goals to climb the highest peaks on different islands, but a comprehensive and universally recognized "first person" to achieve this specific feat might not be formally documented or widely acknowledged. Mountaineering and exploration enthusiasts often undertake such challenges, aiming to conquer the highest peaks on islands across different continents. However, keeping a comprehensive and widely accepted record of the first

What is normative theory based on geographical aspects?

  Normative theory in the context of geography deals with the principles and ideas that guide how societies should interact with geographical space, resources, and each other. It explores the ethical and moral considerations in relation to geographical aspects. This theory aims to prescribe or suggest what ought to be done based on certain values or principles. Geographical normative theories often involve discussions about: Resource Distribution: How resources should be allocated, used, and shared among different geographic regions or within societies. Environmental Ethics: Discussions on how societies should interact with their natural environment, addressing issues like conservation, sustainability, and responsible land use. Social Justice and Equity: Considering geographical factors in discussions about fair access to resources, opportunities, and basic needs among different communities or regions. Geopolitics and International Relations: Normative theories in geography may als

How do I invent a completely new device similar to a transistor to store much more computer memory, information, data, zeros, 0s, ones, and 1s?

  Inventing a new device that revolutionizes computer memory and storage, akin to the impact of the transistor, would require a deep understanding of physics, materials science, engineering, and more. It's a complex and challenging task, but here are steps you might consider if you're interested in such an endeavor: Research and Study: Gain a comprehensive understanding of existing technologies, materials, and principles governing memory storage. Explore cutting-edge research in nanotechnology, quantum computing, materials science, and electronics. Identify Limitations: Recognize the limitations of current technologies. Transistors, while revolutionary, have size limitations, power constraints, and other challenges. Innovative Concepts: Brainstorm new concepts and ideas. Think beyond conventional paradigms. Consider nanoscale materials, quantum properties, or alternative computing architectures. Collaborate and Network: Engage with experts in relevant fields. Collaboration

My laptop screen randomly has black bars with grey squares like a pattern on a certain side of the laptop and then when I move my mouse it vanishes? How can I fix this?

  The appearance of black bars and grey squares on your laptop screen that disappear when you move the mouse could be due to various reasons, some of which might be related to the hardware or software. Here are some troubleshooting steps you can try: Update Graphics Drivers: Outdated or corrupt graphics drivers can cause display issues. Try updating your graphics drivers to the latest version from the manufacturer's website. Check for Software Issues: Sometimes, software conflicts or glitches can cause display anomalies. Restart your laptop and see if the issue persists. If it's related to a particular application, try updating or reinstalling it. External Devices: Disconnect any external devices (monitors, USB devices, etc.) connected to your laptop. Sometimes, these devices can cause display irregularities. Run Hardware Diagnostics: Many laptops have built-in diagnostics tools that can check for hardware issues. Use these tools to test the display and other hardware compo

Can nanotransistors, nanochips, nanomicrochips, and nanochIPS store much more computer memory, information, data, zeros, 0s, ones, and 1s?

  Nanotechnology holds immense promise for advancing computing capabilities. Nanotransistors, nanochips, and other nanoscale technologies offer the potential to create significantly smaller and more efficient electronic components than traditional semiconductor devices. This miniaturization could lead to increased storage capacities and improved performance in computing. Nanochips and nanomicrochips, by exploiting nanoscale materials and structures, have the potential to pack more transistors and memory cells into a smaller area compared to current microchips. This increase in density could theoretically allow for storing more information, including zeros and ones (binary data), in a smaller physical space. However, while nanotechnology holds this promise, there are several challenges to overcome: Manufacturing complexity: Fabricating nanoscale components with precision and consistency poses significant manufacturing challenges. Heat dissipation: As components shrink, managing heat b

Who stores and where is computer memory, information, and data stored?

  Computer memory, information, and data are stored in various types of storage devices. Here are some common ones: RAM (Random Access Memory): This type of memory is volatile, meaning it doesn't retain data when the computer is turned off. RAM is used to store data that the CPU needs to access quickly while the system is running. Hard Disk Drives (HDDs): HDDs are magnetic storage devices used for long-term data storage. They retain data even when the computer is turned off. They store the operating system, software applications, and user files. Solid State Drives (SSDs): Similar to HDDs, SSDs store data persistently. However, they use flash memory (no moving parts) and are faster than traditional HDDs. SSDs are often used as primary storage for operating systems and frequently accessed data. External Drives and USB Flash Drives: These are portable storage devices that connect to computers via USB ports. They're used for storing and transferring files between devices. Cloud

Why do many users that have over ninety-nine percent rude content not get banned from Quora, even if they have been on Quora for over three years?

  Quora, like many social platforms, typically has community guidelines that outline acceptable behavior and content. Users who consistently violate these guidelines by posting rude or inappropriate content might not be banned immediately for several reasons: Reporting and Moderation : Quora relies on user reports to identify inappropriate content. If certain users aren't reported or if their content doesn't violate Quora's guidelines based on automated systems or human moderation, they might not face immediate consequences. Content Evaluation : Sometimes, what might seem rude to one person may not necessarily violate the platform's guidelines. Quora assesses content based on its policies and might give warnings or take action if a user repeatedly violates these guidelines. Community Behavior : Users who have been on the platform for a long time might have contributed positively or provided valuable content in the past, which can impact how Quora handles their behavior.