How would you rate the 12 terrestrial realms (Palearctic, Nearctic, Panamanian, Neotropical, Afrotropical, Madagascan, Saharo-Arabian, Sino-Japanese, Indo-Malay, Australasian, Oceanian, and Antarctica) from the largest to the smallest?

 The ranking of the 12 terrestrial realms from largest to smallest based on land area is as follows:

  1. Palearctic
  2. Nearctic
  3. Afrotropical
  4. Indo-Malay
  5. Australasian
  6. Neotropical
  7. Antarctic
  8. Sino-Japanese
  9. Saharo-Arabian
  10. Panamanian
  11. Oceanian
  12. Madagascan

Please note that these rankings are based on land area and might vary slightly depending on the specific criteria used for measurement. Additionally, some realms may overlap in certain regions, leading to variations in size estimates


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