If Mt. Everest were 10,000 feet taller, would it have been climbed by now?

 Speculating about hypothetical scenarios like this is challenging, but we can make some educated guesses.

If Mt. Everest were 10,000 feet taller, it would mean that its total height would be approximately 39,000 feet above sea level, which is significantly higher than its current height of approximately 29,032 feet (8,848 meters).

Climbing Mt. Everest is already an extremely challenging feat due to its current height, harsh weather conditions, high altitude, and technical difficulties. Adding another 10,000 feet to its height would make it exponentially more difficult and dangerous.

Here are some factors to consider:

  1. Oxygen Levels: At higher altitudes, the air is thinner, making it more difficult for climbers to breathe. Oxygen levels decrease with altitude, and at extreme heights, climbers rely on supplemental oxygen. With an additional 10,000 feet in height, oxygen levels would be even lower, posing a greater risk to climbers.

  2. Technical Challenges: Climbing a mountain of that magnitude would require highly specialized equipment and expertise. It would likely involve scaling steeper slopes and encountering more treacherous terrain.

  3. Weather Conditions: Mount Everest is notorious for its unpredictable and harsh weather conditions. With an extra 10,000 feet in height, climbers would face even more extreme weather patterns, including stronger winds, colder temperatures, and more frequent storms.

  4. Cost and Resources: Climbing Mt. Everest already requires significant financial resources for permits, gear, guides, and logistics. Climbing a mountain that is 10,000 feet taller would likely require even more resources, making it financially prohibitive for many climbers and organizations


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