
How do some people on Quora have so many views?

  On Quora, users can accumulate a high number of views on their content through several strategies and factors: Quality Content : Users who consistently provide high-quality, informative, and engaging answers tend to attract more views. Content that is well-written, well-researched, and offers valuable insights is more likely to be viewed and shared by other users. Topic Relevance : Choosing relevant topics that resonate with a wide audience can increase the visibility and reach of a user's content. Users who write about popular or trending topics are more likely to receive views from other users who are interested in those subjects. SEO Optimization : Understanding search engine optimization (SEO) techniques can help users optimize their content for search engines like Google, making it more discoverable to users searching for related topics online. Using relevant keywords, tags, and descriptive titles can improve the visibility of content on Quora and attract more views. Active

What if I wanted to just climb Mt. Everest on my own? I just went there with no help and got there from bottom to top in a week or more. Is it forbidden? Are there guards there?

  Climbing Mount Everest without assistance or proper support is highly discouraged and extremely dangerous. Here are some reasons why: Technical Difficulty : Climbing Mount Everest is an extremely challenging endeavor that requires technical climbing skills, experience at high altitudes, and physical fitness. Attempting it without proper training and support greatly increases the risk of accidents, injuries, and even death. Altitude Sickness : Mount Everest's high altitude poses significant health risks due to the reduced oxygen levels. Altitude sickness, including symptoms like headaches, nausea, dizziness, and potentially fatal conditions like high-altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) and high-altitude cerebral edema (HACE), can affect climbers who ascend too quickly without proper acclimatization. Logistical Challenges : Climbing Mount Everest requires extensive logistical support, including permits, guides, porters, and specialized equipment. Attempting to climb it alone without th

How do you get out on the streets in South Africa? How do you go to the grocery store and the bakery in South Africa? Are the streets dangerous in South Africa?

  Getting out on the streets in South Africa is similar to other countries. You can use various modes of transportation such as walking, driving your car, taking public transport like buses or trains, or using ride-hailing services like Uber or Bolt. To go to the grocery store or bakery in South Africa, you would typically drive, walk, or use public transportation, depending on your location and preference. Many urban areas have supermarkets and bakeries within walking distance or a short drive away, while in more rural areas, you may need to travel further to reach these amenities. As for safety, like any country, South Africa has areas that can be considered more dangerous than others. It's essential to be aware of your surroundings, especially in urban areas, and take common-sense precautions such as avoiding walking alone at night in poorly lit areas, keeping valuables out of sight, and being cautious when using ATMs. Some neighborhoods may have higher crime rates, so it's

Where was the Araxes River in Herodotus’ writings of histories?

  In Herodotus' "Histories," the Araxes River is primarily associated with the region of Armenia. Herodotus mentions the Araxes River several times in his accounts, particularly in Book 1, Chapters 202 and 203, where he describes the geography and peoples of the Persian Empire. The Araxes River is described as flowing through the territory of the Medes and forming part of the boundary between the Persian Empire and the Scythians. It's worth noting that there are multiple rivers named Araxes in ancient and modern geography, but the one referenced by Herodotus is generally associated with the modern Aras River, which flows through modern-day Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Iran

How would you rate the 12 terrestrial realms (Palearctic, Nearctic, Panamanian, Neotropical, Afrotropical, Madagascan, Saharo-Arabian, Sino-Japanese, Indo-Malay, Australasian, Oceanian, and Antarctica) from the largest to the smallest?

  The ranking of the 12 terrestrial realms from largest to smallest based on land area is as follows: Palearctic Nearctic Afrotropical Indo-Malay Australasian Neotropical Antarctic Sino-Japanese Saharo-Arabian Panamanian Oceanian Madagascan Please note that these rankings are based on land area and might vary slightly depending on the specific criteria used for measurement. Additionally, some realms may overlap in certain regions, leading to variations in size estimates

Why are some of the mountains near Colorado Springs red?

  The red color of some mountains near Colorado Springs, such as those in the Garden of the Gods Park, is primarily due to the presence of iron oxide, also known as rust. This iron oxide gives the rocks and soil in the area a reddish hue. Over time, through geological processes like erosion and weathering, the iron-rich minerals in the rocks oxidize, creating this distinctive red coloration. Additionally, other minerals and compounds present in the rock formations can contribute to their coloration, but iron oxide is typically the primary factor in producing the reddish tones seen in these mountains

Is there a way to find an answer on Quora which I commented on?

  Yes, on Quora, you can find answers that you've commented on by following these steps: Log In : Make sure you're logged in to your Quora account. Navigate to Your Profile : Click on your profile picture or icon in the top-right corner of the Quora website. This will open a dropdown menu. Select "Your Content" : In the dropdown menu, select "Your Content." This will take you to a page where you can see all the content you've interacted with on Quora. Filter by "Comments" : On the "Your Content" page, you can filter your content by different types, such as "Answers," "Questions," "Posts," and "Comments." Click on the "Comments" tab to see all the comments you've made on Quora. Browse or Search : Once you're on the "Comments" tab, you can browse through your comments to find the one you're looking for. If you remember the question or topic you commented on, you can

If you're not receiving a confirmation email from Luno, there could be several reasons for this issue: Check Spam/Junk Folder: Sometimes, legitimate emails can end up in the spam or junk folder of your email account. Check these folders to see if the confirmation email from Luno was mistakenly classified as spam. Incorrect Email Address: Double-check to ensure that you entered the correct email address when signing up for Luno. If you entered the wrong email address, you won't receive the confirmation email. Delay in Email Delivery: Occasionally, there may be delays in email delivery due to network issues or server problems. Wait for some time to see if the confirmation email arrives. Email Filter Settings: Your email service provider may have strict filter settings that prevent certain emails from being delivered to your inbox. Review your email settings to ensure that Luno emails are not being blocked or filtered out. Resend Confirmation Email: Some services, like Luno, allow users to request a resend of the confirmation email. Check if there's an option on the Luno website or app to resend the confirmation email. Contact Luno Support: If you've tried the above steps and still haven't received the confirmation email, consider reaching out to Luno's customer support team for assistance. They may be able to help you troubleshoot the issue or manually confirm your account. By following these steps, you should be able to address the issue of not receiving a confirmation email from Luno.

  If you're not receiving a confirmation email from Luno, there could be several reasons for this issue: Check Spam/Junk Folder : Sometimes, legitimate emails can end up in the spam or junk folder of your email account. Check these folders to see if the confirmation email from Luno was mistakenly classified as spam. Incorrect Email Address : Double-check to ensure that you entered the correct email address when signing up for Luno. If you entered the wrong email address, you won't receive the confirmation email. Delay in Email Delivery : Occasionally, there may be delays in email delivery due to network issues or server problems. Wait for some time to see if the confirmation email arrives. Email Filter Settings : Your email service provider may have strict filter settings that prevent certain emails from being delivered to your inbox. Review your email settings to ensure that Luno emails are not being blocked or filtered out. Resend Confirmation Email : Some services, like Luno

What is the process for converting a scanned document from Google Drive into an editable format?

  To convert a scanned document from Google Drive into an editable format, such as a text document or a Word file, you can use Google Drive's built-in OCR (Optical Character Recognition) feature along with Google Docs. Here are the general steps: Upload the Scanned Document to Google Drive : If you haven't already done so, upload the scanned document to your Google Drive account. You can do this by clicking on the "+ New" button and selecting "File upload" or by dragging and dropping the file into your Google Drive interface. Open the Document in Google Drive : Once the scanned document is uploaded, locate it in your Google Drive and double-click to open it. Open with Google Docs : With the scanned document open, go to the "Open with" menu at the top of the screen and select "Google Docs." This action will open the scanned document in Google Docs, where you can edit the text. Enable OCR (Optical Character Recognition) : If the document co

I want to go back to my volleyball camp but I’ve been gone for a year and I used to do it for 3 years before I stopped. I'm scared or embarrassed. What should I do?

  It's completely normal to feel a bit apprehensive about returning to something you used to do after taking a break, especially if it involves sports or activities like a volleyball camp. Here are some suggestions to help you navigate this situation: Reflect on Your Passion: Remind yourself why you enjoyed the volleyball camp in the first place. Reflect on the positive experiences, skills you gained, and the fun you had. Acknowledge Your Feelings: Understand that it's normal to feel a bit nervous or embarrassed. Many people experience similar emotions when returning to activities after a break. Set Realistic Expectations: Understand that you might not be at the same skill level as when you left. It's okay to take some time to reacquaint yourself with the sport and regain your skills. Reach Out to Organizers: Consider reaching out to the organizers or coaches of the volleyball camp beforehand. They can provide information on any changes, updates, or expectations. You may fi